New Feature: Add Series Metadata to Your Audiobook!

June 6, 2024


We're to announce that you can now add series information to your audiobook project in a few easy steps! It’s always exciting to release highly requested features, and this feature is no exception. We’re continuously striving to improve our service and bring our authors the features they need most!


Why Series Metadata Matters

Metadata is a crucial part of your book's success, but it is sometimes overlooked in self-publishing. Metadata includes important information like the book's genre, title, description, publication date, language, and series information. If you would like to learn more about other types of metadata, you can read our blog post all about it! 

Series metadata, in particular, can make or break a series' success. If a reader encounters any barriers to finding the next book in the series, they may stop reading. Series metadata can prevent that problem by making series information readily available to retailers who may feature the next book or provide ways for readers to navigate to other books in the series on their platform. 

Having series metadata is also essential for increasing visibility among readers who prefer to read books that belong to a series rather than standalone titles. This means that if someone is specifically searching for a new series to read, they are more likely to come across your books.  


How to Add Series Metadata

Series information can now be added to the “Get Started” tab in your audiobook project. In this tab, a field called “Is this title part of a series?” has been added. If you answer yes, two fields will appear called “Series Name” and “Number in Series.” Simply add in your book’s information, and it will be sent to retailers along with your book!

For more help with this tab and the new series metadata field, visit our Help Center!

Please note: Audible does not currently accept series metadata. If you would like to include book number or series name in your Audible listing, please also add your series information to your subtitle and/or title.


We Want Your Feedback

We appreciate hearing from our authors, not only because you are talented and imaginative writers, but also because your feedback helps us tailor our service to your needs. If you have any suggestions or feedback you would like to share with us, please don't hesitate to get in touch with our support team at [email protected]. We always welcome your input.