Access Chirp Audiobook Deals With Author's Republic

March 13, 2024


Author’s Republic is proud to have a direct partnership with Chirp. This relationship gives us the ability to directly distribute your audiobooks to Chirp and submit them for Chirp Audiobook Deals upon request. Learn all about Chirp below!

What is Chirp?

Chirp (powered by BookBub) is an audiobook retailer that specializes in discounted audiobooks. They focus on a-la-carte sales and bringing readers incredible, limited-time deals based on their interests. This model allows authors to promote their audiobooks to audiences who are interested in similar topics, writing styles, genres, etc.

What are Chirp Audiobook Deals?

Chirp Audiobook Deals are limited-time promotional deals that authors can nominate their audiobooks for. If a title is accepted for the promotion, it will be discounted and featured in Chirp's daily emails and the Chirp website.

How Chirp Audiobook Deals Help Promote Your Audiobook

Chirp Audiobook Deals are particularly useful because they offer discounted books to readers who are interested in both finding new audiobooks and the specific genre of your audiobook. This approach has shown that it can help raise your sales and grow your readership.

How to submit your titles to Chirp Audiobook Deals with Author's Republic

Because Author's Republic and Chirp have a direct partnership, we can easily help you submit your titles for Chirp Audiobook Deals.

Head to our Help Center to learn how to submit your title.

How does Chirp evaluate my audiobook for Chirp Audiobook Deals?

Chirp has an editorial team that reviews all submissions to Chirp Audiobook Deals. Their team is uniquely tuned into recent trends and reader preferences. They will evaluate your book based on several factors, but they cite the following as key factors:

  1. Book content and platform: This includes the book's theme or storyline, reviews, ratings, awards, and endorsements.
  2. Audio quality: This includes the quality of your samples, the sentiment of reviews that specifically address the audio edition of your book, and the overall listening experience of your book.
  3. Narrator reputation: This includes your narrator's reputation, skill, and popularity.

For tips on how to optimize your submission head to Chirp's blog post about it!


Overall, Chirp is an excellent addition to your book promotion toolbelt. If you want to learn more about Chirp Audiobook Deals, head to our FAQ or Help Center article about them!

Interested in other promotional resources? Head to our blog post 10 Great Resources for Indie Authors!